PAUSE/RESUME DOWNLOADS in addition to that, IDM also comes with the pause/resume features that will help you take your downloading experience to the next level.SCHEDULE DOWNLOADS Want to make your work time productive? IDM Scheduling feature lets you schedule the downloads for later so that you don’t have to waste your time on getting things downloaded later.QUEUE YOUR DOWNLOADS Don’t want to download a file as you have other important things to download? No worries! IDM Extension comes with the queuing feature that lets you download what matters first.This way you can save time and your sweat as well. 10 TIMES FASTER DOWNLOADS If you haven’t used IDM yet, you should as it can offer you 10 times more downloading speed than your regular browser’s downloader.EASILY SEND CHROME DOWNLOADS TO IDM This extension from IDM comes with the powerful feature to capture all the download links from your Google Chrome and send it to IDM for further processing.In case you don’t know what features bring IDM and its IDM Integration Extension, we have covered those for you below: That means, with this simple yet extremely useful utility, you can easily send any URL to the Internet Download Manager and let it handle for you. The IDM Integration Extension provides Chrome users with the ability to send downloads to IDM. Right? Well, IDM Integration Chrome Extension is a similar extension with the main purpose of making your downloading experience, even better. If you have been working on a desktop or windows, you’d know how extensions work. IDM Integration Chrome Extension for Windows PC Features Not only with its software, but it has its Google Chrome extension as well that you can have on your Chrome for some heavenly features. Thanks to the IDM that has made our downloading experience great.

Remember the time before IDM when you need to download a file with the built-in downloader of your browser? Well, that was some next level shit. Internet Download Manager (IDM) has made our lives easy. IDM Integration Chrome Extension Overview