The collection of the Fourth arc (Issues #13-16), called "Life Is Strange Volume 4: Tracks," was released in paperback format on April 13, 2021. The collection of the third arc (Issues #9-12), called "Life Is Strange Volume 3: Strings," was released in paperback format on April 21, 2020. It was originally scheduled for October 22, 2019. The collection of the second arc (Issues #5-8), called "Life Is Strange Volume 2: Waves," was released in paperback format on November 20, 2019. The collection of the first story arc (Issues #1-4), called "Life Is Strange Volume 1: Dust" was released in paperback format on May 21, 2019. The first issue, "Life Is Strange #1" is 32 pages and sells for $3.99/3,59€/£2.49. On January 23, 2020, a new season called "Partners in Time" was announced. On November 28, 2018, the comic series was stated to be ongoing with a new story after issue #4 in Titan Comics' February 2019 solicitation.

"Join Max & Chloe as they return to Arcadia Bay, charting the course of a possible future after one of the two endings of the game." The series is written by Emma Vieceli, with interior art by Claudia Leonardi and coloring by Andrea Izzo. The comic is set one year after the events of the original Life is Strange, and is a continuation to one of two of the games possible endings, known as the "Sacrifice Arcadia" ending. A final, sixth volume - entitled Life is Strange: Settling Dust - containing the last four issues out of the series' twenty three is set to be released on May 25 2022. Originally a four-part miniseries, it is now comprised of twenty three issues and five published volumes: Life Is Strange: Dust, Life Is Strange: Waves, Life Is Strange: Strings, Life Is Strange: Partners in Time: Tracks and Life is Strange: Coming Home. It is published by Titan Comics and was initially launched on November 14, 2018. Life is Strange is an officially licensed, comic book series based on the video game of the same name, Life is Strange. Life Is Strange Volume 4: Partners in Time: Tracks

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